Our comprehensive network marketing incentive program uses a 3X10 matrix to incentivise marketers for promoting iGen Education Trust. Once any of the people you have marketed iGen to decides to donate on a monthly basis, we will reward you for using your time and effort to support iGen’s mission. The 3X10 matrix simply means you are allowed a maximum of three people directly under you but you will be incentivised up to ten levels deep.

Before you take part in the marketing program, it is important for you to read the Terms and Conditions affecting your involvement in the program. If you are satisfied with the information given, it is critical that you accept them for the system to allow you to proceed. When you sign up to register as an iGen donor, please choose Option 3 if you prefer to participate in the incentive program.

The sections below fully explain how our 3X10 matrix works.

Level One

With the 3X10 matrix, our system will allow you to have a maximum of three (3) people directly referred by you. These people will be referred to as your direct downlines as they will be directly linked to you in our incentive matrix (see illustration in the Figure below).

The illustration above shows a direct link between you, Thando, Nosie and Morné. This means that you would have personally promoted iGen to Thando, Nosie and Morné and they would have used your Member ID (MID) during their registration phase when up-line details were requested. These three people are also referred as your first level or Level 1. You will be paid monthly by Expansior for each donor you refer who decides to make a monthly donation to iGen. You don’t have to fill any level fully for you to be incentivised. You will be paid according to the number of people in your network regardless of whether all positions on a certain level are fully occupied or not. Your incentive will vary depending on the amount contributed by each donor in your team/network. However, it is important to note that each person can only have a maximum of three people directly linked to him/her.

NB: For the payment algorithm to change, each level must be fully filled.

Level Two

The network marketing program allows those below you to also refer three donors under each one of them. This simply means that, using the illustration above, Thando can also refer three people who will be directly under him. Nosie and Morné also have an equal opportunity to do the same and market iGen to three other people each (see illustration below). This means each of them will end up with three people under them, making a total of nine people on this level.

This is referred to as your Level 2, but it will be level one for Thando, Nosie and Morne. Just like you, the three will be incentivised on a monthly basis for their referrals. However, since you personally referred Thando, Nosie and Morné, the system will still pay you the same amount you received earlier per person for the nine people referred by the people under you. This is because the system acknowledges that you are their indirect up-line (see digram below). The system only allows you a maximum of nine (9) people on Level 2.

The system will pay you on the basis of a number of factors, i.e. the amount you are donating to iGen on a monthly basis, the amount donated to iGen by each of your downlines on a monthly basis, the number of active downlines you have in your team and the reduction formula used from level six to level ten as indicated in the terms and conditions (read your terms and conditions here).

Due to the fact that there are seven different monthly donation options to choose from, i.e. R100, R300, R500, R800, R1,500, R3,000 and R5,000, the incentive you are going to receive will vary depending on the combination of the factors mentioned above. The system has been designed to create an accurate set of rules to be followed in calculating these amounts. It takes all these factors into account and calculates the total amount to be paid into your account on a monthly basis. Unless you are contributing R100 and every other person in your network donates the same amount, it becomes literally impossible to estimate the amount you are likely to receive at the end of each month, until the actual time comes.

Several sections below use the assumption that every person in your network is contributing the same amount as yours for the donation options listed above. When such an assumption is made, it becomes possible to estimate the likely incentive to be paid to you and other marketers in your team.

Level Three

Level 3 of the network is dependent on the number of people on Level 2. If each person on Level 2 promotes iGen and encourages others to join in and do the same, the nine people on Level 2 will each have three people directly under them. This will lead to a total of 27 downlines on Level 3 (see diagram below). However, many people are less likely to limit themselves to only three downlines. Many are more likely to encourage more than three people to support iGen. Since each person can only structurally have a maximum of three people directly under them, then the additional people will have to be given to downlines who do not have any person under them or who have less than 3 people under them.

This will lead to an interesting and empowering phenomenon explained in detail in the next section.


Due to the nature of the matrix, it is almost certain that members will receive spill-overs from their up-lines. Spill-overs happen when those above you refer more people who sign up to donate than the three (3) that they are expected to. This leads to you receiving marketers under you who will belong to your network even though you never personally marketed to them. It also maximises the amazing power of leverage and helps to grow your team, and inevitably your incentive, phenomenally. As a result, you don’t only benefit from your own efforts and the efforts of those below you, but you also benefit from the hard work of those above you. This is teamwork, or rather ubuntu, at its best. It is illustrated in the diagram below:

In the diagram, all the red individuals are spill-overs from up-lines of the different marketers. Person 1 only successfully marketed iGen to person 4, but also received persons 9 and 10 from you as his up-line. This means that you, as the up-line, referred more people than the 3 expected on your level 1. It will continue for as long as those above you keep referring people who end up registering to support iGen and make their monthly donations.

You will be able to earn revenue from the referral fees of people you have not personally referred, and highly likely people you do not know but who were successfully referred to iGen by your different up-lines.

Each donation option carries its own incentive amount, with R100 per month carrying the lowest and R5000 per month carrying the highest. The amount you choose to donate determines the level at which you will be incentivised. If you choose to donate a lower amount, i.e., R100 pm, you will be incentivised as per the R100 option. If you choose to donate a higher amount, i.e., R5000 pm, you will be incentivised far much more per person, depending on the donation level of each person in your team.

Multiple donations

Our system allows you to donate as many times as you desire. You may choose to donate the same R100 several times or donate different amounts several times. It is important to note that each donation will be treated differently and as such, each donation will build its own matrix. This will also help you maximise benefits if you intend doing so. Take note, however, that this simply means you will have several debit orders running off your account on a monthly basis. You are free to choose any donation option.


It is possible to increase your donation to a higher level any time of the month. Increased contributions will also lead to an increase in the incentive received. Upgrades happen in two different ways, as detailed below:

Automatic upgrades(involuntary)

These are upgrades which will happen involuntarily and automatically to each iGen donor the moment your incentive is ten times more than your donation. Involuntary upgrades will continue happening until you reach the highest donation option of R5,000 per month. As you generate more revenue from the communal network, it is our desire that you also contribute more towards iGen.

Manual upgrades (voluntary)

These upgrades happen voluntarily and manually. As a donor, you will have to manually log into your back office and follow the steps given to upgrade to a level of your choice. The benefit of manual upgrades is that you can personally choose to increase your donation to any amount given among the options available.


As much as it is possible to upgrade, the system allows downgrading from a higher donation option to a smaller one. It is important to note that this is not permissible to individuals who are generating more than ten times the amount they are contributing (as explained above). This option is open to those donors who contribute more money monthly than the incentive they receive and later feel the need to reduce the amount they are donating, or simply find themselves unable to maintain a monthly debit order of a certain amount. Such donors do have the liberty to downgrade to any level (lowest being R100) which may seem affordable to them. They can always opt to increase their donation at any point in time.

Incentive estimates

The amounts paid per person per month may seem rather small to you and many other people, but if you consider the fact that your team grows from collective effort and not individual effort, you will appreciate the power behind this strategy. Many network marketing companies tend to focus more on the power and ability of individual network marketers to recruit and keep other marketers. Such companies tend to pay reasonably huge commissions on a monthly basis, but they fail to realise two very important factors, i.e., 1) that not every person out there is a network marketer who is adept at recruiting, and 2) that an individual’s efforts can only benefit him or her so much in a day.

Incentive calculation for Floe - R100pm donation

For the R100 donation option, you will be paid R3.04 per person per monthfrom level one to five for each person who is in your network, regardless of the amount contributed by your downlines or the amount contributed by any of the spill-overs. The algorithm changes from level 6-10. Your remuneration is determined by the amount you donate. See below for a table (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R100 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R100 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of the Floe (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R100 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R19.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R19.00, i.e. R3.80 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R19.00, i.e, R15.20 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a mere R100 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R1,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.
For other amounts above R100.00, see the relevant tables below. Please, bear in mind that the calculations made here assume that every person is contributing the same amount on a particular donation option. This is highly unlikely as different people will opt to donate different amounts.

Incentive calculation for Glaze - R300pm donation

For the R300.00 donation option, you will be paid R9.12 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network, assuming they are all contributing the same R300 per month. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R300 per month, i.e. R100, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R3.04 per person per month). In cases where your downline or spill-over contributes more than R300, you will be remunerated at the level of your donation, i.e. R9.12 per person per month. The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R300 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R300 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of the Glaze (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R300.00 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R57.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R57.00, i.e. R11.40 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R57.00, i.e, R45.60 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a mere R300.00 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R3,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.

Incentive calculation for Aster - R500pm donation

For the R500 donation option, you will be paid R15.20 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network, assuming they are all contributing the same R500 per month. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R500 per month, i.e. R300, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R9.12 per person per month). In cases where your downline or spill-over contributes more than R500, you will be remunerated at the level of your donation, i.e. R15.20 per person per month. The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R500.00 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R500.00 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of The Aster (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R500 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R95.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R95.00, i.e. R19 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R95.00, i.e, R76.00 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a mere R500 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R5,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.

Incentive calculation for Jasper - R800pm donation

For the R800.00 donation option, you will be paid R24.32 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R800 per month, i.e. R500, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R15.20 per person per month). In cases where your downline or spill-over contributes more than R800, you will be remunerated at the level of your donation, i.e. R24.32 per person per month. The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below(only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R800 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R800 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of The Jasper (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R800.00 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R152.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R152.00, i.e. R30.40 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R152.00, i.e, R121.60 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a mere R800 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R8,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.

Incentive calculation for Ablazia - R1500pm donation

For the R1,500.00 donation option, you will be paid R45.60 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R1500 per month, i.e. R800, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R24.32 per person per month). In cases where your downline or spill-over contributes more than R1500 you will be remunerated at the level of your donation, i.e. R45.60 per person per month.The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R1,500 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R1,500 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of The Ablazia (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R1,500.00 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R285.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R285.00, i.e. R57.00 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R285.00, i.e, R228.00 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a R1,500 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R16,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.

Incentive calculation for Enblast - R3000pm donation

For the R3,000.00 donation option, you will be paid R91.20 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R3000 per month, i.e. R1500, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R45.60 per person per month). In cases where your downline or spill-over contributes more than R3000 you will be remunerated at the level of your donation, i.e. R91.20 per person per month.The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R3,000 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R3,000 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of The Enblast (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R3,000.00 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R570.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R570.00, i.e. R114.00 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R570.00, i.e, R456.00 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a R3,000 donation to iGen has the potential to help you generate over R33,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.

Incentive calculation for Sirius - R5000pm donation

For the R5,000.00 donation option, you will be paid R152.00 per person per month from level one to five for each person who is in your network. In cases where a downline or a spill-over contributes less than R5000 per month, i.e. R3000, you will be paid according to the donation option of that person (R91.20 per person per month).The algorithm changes from level 6-10. See the table below (only levels 1-5) indicating what you are likely to receive, assuming each person in your network will be contributing R5,000 per month. The calculation would be straightforward if the amounts remained at R5,000 throughout the donation period. However, that is less likely to happen as amounts will continuously vary due to the individual amounts which members of your team may choose to donate as well as the built-in automatic upgrade facility.

3X10 matrix of The Sirius (shown up to level 5 only)

For every R5,000.00 amount contributed by each donor to iGen, R950.00 will be set aside for marketing. 20% of the R950, i.e. R190.00 will be set aside for the running of the marketing company and 80% of the R950.00, i.e, R760.00 will be set aside for the compensation of marketers. All marketers who successfully encourage other people to donate to iGen will be incentivised using a 3X10 matrix as partially indicated in the table above.

As you can evidently see from the table above, the incentive program already pays you more than your donation amount by the time you complete level 3, or by the time you have 39 marketers in your team. By the time you reach the end of level 5, the program will be incentivising you with an amount which is more than ten times the amount you are donating to iGen. Simply put, a R5,000 donation to iGen on a monthly basis has the potential to help you generate over R50,000 per month through the Expansior incentive program. This is indeed incontrovertible proof that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes.