Weekly Zoom meetings

12 July 2023

We have live presentations at 18h30 every Tuesday evening
Click on the Zoom button on your right to join the meeting.

Expansior acknowledges that we exist in a Digital Era whose advancement is driven by technological pursuits. As such, we believe in innovation and maximising the use of technology to enable internal and external communication. We have introduced weekly Zoom meetings which enable you to participate and communicate with us from the privacy of your own home. Zoom meetings and chats are simplified video conferencing with real-time messaging and content sharing.

How to join our Zoom meetings?

If you are using a mobile phone, download the Zoom app on Google Play or Apple Store. Then use the Zoom button on your right to join the meetings.
If you are using a Mac or PC , download the app from the Zoom website. Then click on the Zoom button on your right to join the meetings.

NB: We encourage all participants to join the meetings at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time so that our admin team could be in a position to assist you if any help is needed.

Face-to-face meetings

We also run face-to-face meetings. You can contact us if you need us to present to you and a group of family or friends.

Expansior has a team of presenters who are ready to share with you information about a social cause that raises funds through donation to fund students and alleviate poverty. Face-to-face meetings are conducted in one of the following ways:
A) Conference facilities - These are for bigger groups. We are in the process of scheduling face-to-face meetings in different parts of the country. The venues and times will soon be communicated on this platform.
B) Member facilities - For those who are already members, they can organise themselves into groups and we will come and present to them when it is most suitable to them.


02 February 2022

A lot of work has been done to-date in support of iGen. We are pleased to announce that several students are already in the process of receiving financial support. This section below gives you details of how many students are being funded and from which universities. These are interesting times indeed.

Universities to be started with

In the mean time, the following universities have been identified as having students with the most financial need and iGen will start by funding some of their students.

Number of students to be supported

Since the funds raised are not much, the trustees of iGen have agreed to separate funding into two categories, i.e. students needing registration fees and students needing a lump sum either to graduate or to prevent financial exclusion.

They agreed to cover 5 students needing support with their registration fees from each of the above universities, and to support one student with an amount of R10 000 from each of the above universities.

As more money comes in, more students will be covered and more universities will be included.

The task ahead is huge as our students need your support. We will soon be in your neighborhood to encourage you to support iGen.

Funding progress to date

02 February 2022

We are excited to give you some more exciting news. iGen has been able to fund 42 students from seven different universities. They funded six students per university. The table below shows the names of the universities and the amount spent per university.

No. Name of Institution Students funded Funded for registration Funded for part-tuition Total Amount (R)
1 Cape Peninsula University of Technology 6 5 1 35 000
2 University of Fort Hare 6 5 1 27 500
3 Mangosuthu University of Technology 6 5 1 22 500
4 Walter Sisulu University 6 5 1 25 600
5 University of the Western Cape 6 5 1 31 450
6 University of Venda 6 5 1 27 500
7 University of Zululand 6 5 1 35 000
Total 42 35 7 204 550

For the 2022 academic year, plans are in place to fund more than 50 students. We will soon give you a progress report on that. All this is happening because of the support of ordinary South Africans who are determined to see students succeed. We are thankful to them indeed.

If you are not yet supporting students via iGen, we would like to encourage you to join the movement and support students in financial need by clicking on the “Join” page above and choosing your desired donation amount.